Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hair Growth Overview

Doing a little more research on hair growth remedies and techniques an extremely quirky idea was stumbled upon, a lot of women of different races and ethnicities have been successfully using Monistat (yes Monistat the antifungal vaginal cream) as a scalp conditioner for extreme hair growth.
            As scary as it sounds this “Monistat for hair growth” frenzy has had more success stories than failures and the worst that seems to be able to happen is that it just wont work, no hair loss as a side effect.
            Of course after coming across this remedy the experimental Arianna Brooks decided to try it out for a month.
            “I was SO hesitant a first and that’s rare for me. Mainly because its cream for down there it just doesn’t feel right to out it in my hair. However, I looked up the ingredients and he main ingredient that advances hair growth in the Monistat is miconazole nitrate which is also used in baby’s teething gels so I figured if it was safe enough for an infants mouth, it would be safe enough for a 20-year-olds scalp,” said Brooks.
            “After using it for a month I re-measured my hair and to my surprise I gained a whole 2 inches! The normal hair growth rate in a month is ½ and inch so 2 inches is a huge deal! I recommend it to anyone it doesn’t hurt to try. My sister tried it out and it didn’t work as well for her, however there was no hair loss or anything weird. The Monistat just didn’t make her hair grow as rapidly as mine did. If you want your hair to grow my advise to you is be adventures,” said Brooks. 

Hair Growth Preview

            Ladies and gentlemen, have you been unsuccessfully trying everything in your power to grow your hair longer, fuller, thicker and all around healthier? Have no fear the hair gurus are here.
            Arianna Brooks, aspiring hair stylist and cosmetology school student loves to experiment with hair growth remedies. If you name it she’s tried it. When asked what products worked well with her hair growth she instantly said Hair One Hair Care. “Hair one is literally the best thing that I have ever stumbled upon! It’s a cleansing conditioner, which means it wont lather up like your average shampoo. It is sulfate free which is amazing for your hair because sulfate is one of the harsh chemicals in everyday shampoo that strips and dries your hair out. Go sulfate free! It will hydrate your hair leaving it feeling, smelling and growing amazing,” said Brooks.
            Tise Davis, beautician of 22 years simply suggests a healthy lifestyle for happy hair growth. “Eat a well balanced diet, drink the proper amount of water and work out regularly and your hair, skin and nails will be flawless. Everything starts from within. Also get your ends trimmed at least 3 times a year. If you want to see your growth you have to get rid of the dead hair,” said Brown.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Domesticating Exotic Animals Overview

After researching and finding out everything there is to know about the “Michigan Large Carnivore Act,” it was then time to get the opinion of the public. Is Michigan’s act too strict to Michiganders?
            “Personally, I feel like the ‘Michigan Large Carnivore Act’ is a bit dramatic. Okay yes, some people have had bad experiences domesticating exotic animals but every statistic that I have ever seen, the good weighs out the bad. My parents and I have a cabin up north where my Grandparents reside and we own 3 bobcats, Miley, Bobby and Sarah…” said Lauren Gaunt, exotic animal owner.
            “Exotic, wild or not every animals needs love and affection to survive. They do NOT get the kind of attention that they need at the zoo and there are nowhere near enough zoos in the world to hold every wild and exotic animal. When the zoos are full what do they expect us to do? Let these animals run wild? Wild animals with no home are far more dangerous to human beings than domesticated wild animals…” said Dyamond Allen, animal rights activist.
            “Some animals are too wild to be domesticated, I totally agree with that. However, I feel like it should be determined by the specific animal when deciding if it should be allowed to be domesticated”… said Davonte Moore, Detroit zoo staff member. 

Domesticating Exotic Animals- Preview

Due to the fact that over the years there has been so many fatal and even non fatal attacks on people who have decided to domesticate wild animals by these wild animals, Michigan Decided to come up with the “Large Carnivore Act” which prohibits the ownership or raising of any exotic animals.
            The topic of rather or not this act to too strict or not strict enough in the eyes of Michiganders is a split down the middle. People are extremely for this act or extremely against it, not too many people fight for both sides.
            Michigan law specifically prohibits the possession and breeding of large carnivores. These carnivores include big cats such as lions, tigers, jaguars, snow leopards, cheetahs, or leopards; and bears, whether native or non-native to Michigan. Animals that are crossbred with any of the prohibited large carnivores are likewise prohibited. A few exceptions to the ban do exist. Individuals who already possessed large carnivores prior to the July 2000 law, and who secured a license within 90 days of the law's passing, may continue to care for the animals. Qualifying owners must also submit an application to local authorities, either at the town or county level. They must insert a microchip beneath the skin of any large carnivores for identification and must maintain a facility in which the animals are securely restrained and restricted to enclosures” according to dimensions specified in Michigan statute 387.1106.”

Monday, April 1, 2013

Diversity at MSU- Overview

Michigan State University’s student’s and staff that were selected to be interviewed made it clear that MSU is perfectly fine, however, a little help is needed.
            Each person interviewed came to the conclusion that MSU is not the problem. The problem is people’s comfortability levels. People automatically feel comfortable around people they are similar too, hence predominantly black organizations and predominantly Asian organizations.
            Each interviewee felt as if there are a ton of things that we could do as a student body to break the separation.
            “I feel to expand the diversity here on campus would be to not make events seem tailored towards one group and actually make them tailored toward the whole student body,” said Joshua Ogundu, Nigerian Student.
            “We need to advertise and push multicultural programs more towards everybody and give incentives to participate in those programs,” Said Husain Alhaddah, Kuwaiti student.

Diversity at MSU- Preview

            Is Michigan State University diverse enough?
            Taking a look at the campus as a whole and seeing the vast number of different student groups who clique together with people of their similar interest and background, several Spartan students and staff members of different backgrounds were interviewed for how they feel about the subject.
            “I think the campus is fine, it’s the people who segregate themselves,” said Husain Alhaddah, Kuwaiti student.
            “We should improve the dialogue on stereotypes that each race here may or may not have when it comes to other races here on campus, which would open doors I feel like to blending our campus,” said Joshua Ogundu, Nigerian student.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Dinner of a college student update

Michigan State University’s LaTreya Gary successfully made herself chicken quesadillas for dinner tonight.
            After making a final decision on what exactly she was going to make, Gary went into the kitchen to get her dishes and ingredients prepared.
            First, Gary grilled and diced a few chicken breasts along with green and red peppers.
            Next, she grabbed a bag of Mexican Cheese and tortillas.
            Warming the quesadilla maker up, Gary then all of the ingredients together. Tortilla first, cheese, chicken and peppers second and another tortilla last.
            “Now we wait, it’ll only be about 10 minutes. This is literally one of the easiest and most tasty things to make,” said Gary.
            After everything was finished, Gary then topped the quesadillas off with sour cream.
            “Best quick meal on the planet,” said Gary.